(Make sure to use a powerful enough PSU otherwise you will get undervoltage warnings in logs and the red LED will flicker)
To update to latest version:
- apt-get update
- apt-get dist-upgrade
Use raspi-config to configure this:
- The Edimax EW-7800Un wireless card is automatically detected. Option 2 & 2 to setup the SSID & password
- Check localization options are correct with option 4, including WiFi region.
- Enable ssh with option 5 & 2 (This can also be done by putting the SD card in another machine, mounting the linux partition and creating the empty file /boot/ssh)
To configure a static IP on wireless, add this to /etc/dhcpcd.conf
- static ip_address=
- static routers=
- static domain_name_servers=
The red power LED can be turned off:
- echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/led1/brightness
- echo none > /sys/class/leds/led0/trigger
Might as well turn the HDMI output off (saves a few mA)
- tvservice -o
You can disable bluetooth and wifi on the newer models:
- Add dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt to /boot/config.txt
- Add dtoverlay=pi3-disable-wifi to /boot/config.txt
That's a basic headless wireless system, it's now good to go.
Install rng-tools (fixes startup issues with dnscrypt-proxy, cloudflared)
- apt-get install rng-tools
- Edit /etc/default/rng-tools to specify /dev/hwrng device