RHEL 8 doesn't yet have a dedicated EPEL repo so we can temporarily use the RHEL 7 repo.
- yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
- yum install NetworkManager-openvpn
Pull down all the NordVPN endpoint OpenVPN templates
- wget https://downloads.nordcdn.com/configs/archives/servers/ovpn.zip
Pick the one(s) you want to connect with and import it into NetworkManager
- nmcli connection import type openvpn file uk1089.nordvpn.com.udp.ovpn
It needs modifying to include your NordVPN username & password
- nmcli connection modify uk1089.nordvpn.com.udp +vpn.data "username=user@email.com,password-flags=0" vpn.secrets password="MyPassword"
With SELinux enabled you'll need to restore some SELinux contexts on the directory nmcli stores the certs in
- restorecon -R /root/.cert
To start / stop a connection:
- nmcli connection up uk1089.nordvpn.com.udp
- nmcli connection down uk1089.nordvpn.com.udp
To show available connections:
- nmcli connection show
To delete a connection:
- nmcli connection delete uk1089.nordvpn.com.udp
If you want a user other than root to be able to initiate VPN connections, create a polkit file:
[Remote nmcli SSH access]Identity=unix-user:paulAction=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.network-controlResultAny=yesResultInactive=yesResultActive=yes